
Automate your agreements and increase efficiency with our flexible, customizable agreement management platform.

Secure digital agreements

Take the hassle out of contracts by allowing clients to sign agreements online. You'll know exactly They will maitain a copy on their portal for compliance, and you

Track agreements as they change

Know exactly what your client has signed and when they signed it. If you legal team modifies and agreement, or adds a new clause, Claims Gate tracks those changes so you don't have to.

Compliant and secure transactions

With our client login portal and KYC/AML checks in place, you'll know where, when and how your clients have paid, preventing payment fraud. Maintain a full audit trail of your client's successful and failed payments.

Supercharge your onboarding

Join the law firms automating their customer experience.

© 2023 Media Advancements Limited

Supercharge your Client Onboarding

Join the law firms automating their customer experience.

© 2023 Media Advancements Limited

Secure digital agreements

Take the hassle out of contracts by allowing clients to sign agreements online. You'll know exactly They will maitain a copy on their portal for compliance, and you

Track agreements as they change

Know exactly what your client has signed and when they signed it. If you legal team modifies and agreement, or adds a new clause, Claims Gate tracks those changes so you don't have to.

Compliant and secure transactions

With our client login portal and KYC/AML checks in place, you'll know where, when and how your clients have paid, preventing payment fraud. Maintain a full audit trail of your client's successful and failed payments.


Automate your agreements and increase efficiency with our flexible, customizable agreement management platform.